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Thursday / May 16.

16-year-old Reina Chiang and her mother, Kana Enomoto, a national leader in behavioral healthcare, share their experience navigating the Maryland crisis care system. It includes long wait times in the emergency room and inpatient hospitalization, which Chiang calls a short-term bandaid that’s more like a prison, with kids waiting around

Ted Lutterman of NRI shares how 23 states, with funding from SAMHSA, are developing real-time psychiatric bed registries to improve timely access to mental health treatment. Some states are going beyond beds by creating a comprehensive crisis services registry. Covid has caused implementation delays, but states have found that having

Today, Dr. Charles Browning sits down to talk with Sheree Lowe, vice-president of behavioral health at the California Hospital Association. Lowe highlights that because California lacks 24/7 mental health emergency services, it forces people into a choke point of emergency departments during the involuntary care commitment process. She shares with